Buildup of Triplet-State Population in Operating TQ1:PC71BM Devices Does Not Limit Their Performance

J Phys Chem Lett. 2020 Apr 16;11(8):2838-2845. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00756. Epub 2020 Mar 27.


Triplet generation in organic solar cells has been considered a major loss channel. Determining the density of the triplet-state population in an operating device is challenging. Here, we employ transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy on the quinoxaline-thiophene copolymer TQ1 blended with PC71BM, quantify the transient charge and triplet-state densities, and parametrize their generation and recombination dynamics. The charge recombination parameters reproduce the experimentally measured current-voltage characteristics in charge carrier drift-diffusion simulations, and they yield the steady-state charge densities. We demonstrate that triplets are formed by both geminate and nongeminate recombination of charge carriers and decay primarily by triplet-triplet annihilation. Using the charge densities in the rate equations describing triplet-state dynamics, we find that triplet-state densities in devices are in the range of charge carrier densities. Despite this substantial triplet-state buildup, TQ1:PC71BM devices exhibit only moderate geminate recombination and significantly reduced nongeminate charge recombination, with reduction factors between 10-4 and 10-3 compared to Langevin recombination.