Purpose: Evaluate the prevalence of Labbé vein thrombosis (LVT) and its liability for the lesions observed in the case of associated ipsilateral transverse sinus thrombosis (TST).
Methods: MRI findings of 58 consecutive patients (≥ 18 years) with acute LVT and TST (group 1) were compared with those of 149 patients with acute TST-no LVT (group 2) observed during the same period.
Results: The prevalence of LVT was 15.2%. Group 1: TST extended to sigmoid sinus in 94.8%, resulting in complete sinuses occlusion. Any lesion was observed in 81% within LV territory: swelling (n = 5, 8.6%), edema (n = 9; 15.5%), non-hemorrhagic Infarct (n = 1; 1.7%), multiple temporal lobe hemorrhages (n = 31; 53.5%), temporal lobe hematoma (n = 13; 22.4%), and pericerebral hemorrhages (n = 28; 50%). The hemorrhagic lesions were not related to dominant TST or to extensive venous thrombosis. There was a prevalence of left TST- LVT (n = 32; 55.2%) and a higher prevalence of hemorrhagic lesions in this subset (59.4%). Risk factors were also associated (p = 0.03). Group 2: the TST resulted in an occlusion of the TS: (i) complete (n = 16; 10.7%); (ii) incomplete (n = 97; 82.8%); and (iii) segmental, involving the TS before (n = 32; 21.5%) or after (n = 10; 6.7%) LV ending within the TS. No parenchymal/pericerebral lesions were associated.
Conclusion: This study shows a strong association between the following: (i) the extent of thrombosis in the TS and the presence of LVT (p < 0.0001), (ii) the concomitance of LVT-TST and the presence of lesions in the LV territory and at the temporo-frontal convexity, (iii) risk factors and group 1 (p = 0.03).
Keywords: Brain hematoma; Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT); T2*-GRE; Transverse sinus thrombosis; Vein of Labbé; Venous hemorrhagic infarct.