In the past century, biological, psychological and social sciences have brought significant progresses to psychiatry, building it is a broad medical specialty, closely linked to somatic medicine, psychology and society. Many psychiatrists early in their career have understood that it is easier to face these challenges in a collaborative way, and therefore there has been in the last decades a growth of local and national associations of psychiatric trainees and early career psychiatrists across Europe. In 2007, the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) has integrated in its program the "Young Psychiatrists Committee", an informal network of young psychiatrists. This Committee since 2010 has been known as the Early Career Psychiatrists Committee (ECPC). EPA has been making remarkable efforts towards supporting early career psychiatrists' education and participation in scientific congresses, promoting their professional growth and integration into the international professional community. Likewise, early career psychiatrists contribute to EPA with their motivation, enthusiasm and creative ideas, proving this initiative as an effective win-win cooperation.