The existence of an intrinsic electrical platform in the heart, taking over the impulse formation and transmission, is a relatively recent discovery. Leonardo Da Vinci in 1510 wrote that the heart is self-moving. Harvey in 1628 observed that the cardiac movement is seen to begin from the auricles. Purkinje in 1839 discovered at the microscope a network of large, pale muscular cells in the ventricles. His in 1893 showed a muscle bundle connecting the atrial to the ventricular septum. Tawara in 1906 found a node at the atrial origin of His bundle. Finally, Keith and Flack observed a structure of primitive muscular fibres at the sino-atrial junction, where "the dominating rhythm of the heart is believed to normally arise".
Keywords: AV node; Bundle branches; Electric conduction system; His bundle; Purkinje fibres; Sino-atrial node.
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