Background: The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD), NCI, implemented Screen to Save, NCI's Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Screening Initiative to promote awareness and knowledge of colorectal cancer in racial/ethnic and rural populations.
Methods: The initiative was implemented through CRCHD's National Outreach Network (NON). NON is a national network of Community Health Educators (CHE), aligned with NCI-designated Cancer Centers across the nation. In phases I and II, the CHEs focused on the dissemination of cancer-related information and implementation of evidence-based educational outreach.
Results: In total, 3,183 pre/post surveys were obtained from male and female participants, ages 50 to 74 years, during the 347 educational events held in phase I. Results demonstrated all racial/ethnic groups had an increase in colorectal cancer-related knowledge, and each group strongly agreed that the educational event increased the likelihood that they would engage in colorectal cancer-related healthful behaviors (e.g., obtain colorectal cancer screening and increase physical activity). For phase II, Connections to Care, event participants were linked to screening. Eighty-two percent of the participants who obtained colorectal cancer screening during the 3-month follow-up period obtained their screening results.
Conclusions: These results suggest that culturally tailored, standardized educational messaging and data collection tools are key change agents that can serve to inform the effectiveness of educational outreach to advance awareness and knowledge of colorectal cancer.
Impact: Future initiatives should focus on large-scale national efforts to elucidate effective models of connections to care, related to colorectal cancer screening, follow-up, and treatments that are modifiable to meet community needs.
©2020 American Association for Cancer Research.