Introduction: With increasing frequency, patients with idiopathic splenomegaly are referred to surgeons for splenectomy. We evaluated the diagnostic utility of splenectomy and feasibility of a minimally invasive approach in the face of idiopathic splenomegaly.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 68 patients who underwent splenectomy for idiopathic splenomegaly. The primary endpoint was the rate of definitive diagnosis based on final surgical pathology of the removed spleen.
Results: Preoperative workup included a bone marrow biopsy and peripheral blood smear in 93% and 100% of patients, respectively, with none having lymphadenopathy warranting biopsy. Splenectomy provided a definitive diagnosis for 44 (64.7%) patients. Of these, 34 (50%) patients had an underlying malignancy, of which more than half were splenic marginal zone lymphoma. There were 33 (48.5%) laparoscopic, 23 (33.8%) open, 10 (14.7%) laparoscopic converted to open, and two (2.9%) laparoscopic hand-assist cases. Conversion to open was due to splenic size [median craniocaudal length 21.8 cm (cm)] in eight and staple line bleeding at the splenic hilum in two patients. Overall, the laparoscopic approach was completed in patients with a smaller splenic size compared to open (median craniocaudal length 15.2 vs. 26.0 cm, p < 0.0001). The open group had one (1.5%) intra-operative mortality due to uncontrollable hemorrhage. Thirty-day complication rates were similar for laparoscopic and open approaches (p = 0.10).
Conclusion: Splenectomy is an effective diagnostic modality in determining a pathologic cause for splenomegaly in this patient population. Laparoscopic splenectomy can be performed safely in appropriate cases with craniocaudal splenic size having the largest influence on surgical approach.