Purpose: To propose and evaluate a deep learning model for rapid and accurate calculation of myocardial T1 /T2 values based on a previously proposed Bloch equation simulation with slice profile correction (BLESSPC) method.
Methods: Deep learning Bloch equation simulations (DeepBLESS) models are proposed for rapid and accurate T1 estimation for the MOLLI T1 mapping sequence with balanced SSFP readouts and T1 /T2 estimation for a radial simultaneous T1 and T2 mapping (radial T1 -T2 ) sequence. The DeepBLESS models were trained separately based on simulated radial T1 -T2 and MOLLI data, respectively. The DeepBLESS T1 -T2 estimation accuracy was evaluated based on simulated data with different noise levels. The DeepBLESS model was compared with BLESSPC in simulation, phantom, and in vivo studies for the MOLLI sequence at 1.5 T and radial T1 -T2 sequence at 3 T.
Results: After DeepBLESS was trained, in phantom studies, DeepBLESS and BLESSPC achieved similar accuracy and precision in T1 -T2 estimations for both MOLLI and radial T1 -T2 (P > .05). For in vivo, DeepBLESS and BLESSPC generated similar myocardial T1 /T2 values for radial T1 -T2 at 3 T (T1 : 1366 ± 31 ms for both methods, P > .05; T2 : 37.4 ms ± 0.9 ms for both methods, P > .05), and similar myocardial T1 values for the MOLLI sequence at 1.5 T (1044 ± 20 ms for both methods, P > .05). DeepBLESS generated a T1 /T2 map in less than 1 second.
Conclusion: The DeepBLESS model offers an almost instantaneous approach for estimating accurate T1 /T2 values, replacing BLESSPC for both MOLLI and radial T1 -T2 sequences, and is promising for multiparametric mapping in cardiac MRI.
Keywords: Bloch equation; T1 mapping; T2 mapping; cardiac MRI; deep learning.
© 2020 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.