Aim: To identify available judgment-based measures of ambulation with assistive devices for the purpose of examining item content and responses to aid in the expansion of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) Mobility Domain.
Methods: PubMed and CINAHL databases were used to identify measures meeting the following criteria: 1) applicable for children/youth; 2) self-report, proxy-report, or interview administration; and 3) assistive device (walker, cane, crutches, gait trainer) use specified or considered with responses. Population, administration, respondent(s), items, and responses were compiled. Item content was categorized and response scales grouped by type.
Results: Fifteen measures met inclusion criteria. Measures included child and proxy-report. Item categories included Surfaces, Steps/Stairs, Dual Tasks, Negotiation of Environment, Distance, and Time. Only two measures distinguished between device type within items. One measure specified gait trainers. "Difficulty" and "Assistance" were the most frequently used response scales.
Conclusions: Available measures have content examining device use; however, none of the measures are comprehensive, devices are not consistently specified, and responses are imprecise. Items with well-defined responses for measuring a child's ambulation with an assistive device are needed for clinical practice, research, and program evaluation.
Keywords: Assistive devices; dependent ambulation; pediatrics; self-report; walkers.