Improved computer resources in radiation oncology department have greatly facilitated the integration of multimodal imaging into the workflow of radiation therapy. Nowadays, physicians have highly informative imaging modalities of the anatomical region to be treated. These images contribute to the targeting accuracy with the current treatment device, impacting both segmentation or patient's positioning. Additionally, in a constant effort to deliver personalized care, many teams seek to confirm the benefits of adaptive radiotherapy. The published works highlight the importance of registration algorithms, particularly those of elastic or deformable registration necessary to take into account the anatomical evolutions of the patients during the course of their therapy. These algorithms, often considered as "black boxes", tend to be better controlled and understood by physicists and physicians thanks to the generalization of evaluation and validation methods. Given the still significant development of medical imaging techniques, it is foreseeable that multimodal registration needs require more efficient algorithms well integrated within the flow of data.
Keywords: Adaptive radiotherapy; Image registration; Imagerie multimodalité; Multimodality imaging; Patient positioning; Planification de traitement; Positionnement; Radiothérapie adaptative; Recalage; Treatment planning.
Copyright © 2020 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.