Objective: To study the clinical effects of preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD) in selective general surgery.
Methods: Paired study was performed in PABD group with 70 PABD cases screened from selective general surgery during the period from November 2017 to August 2018 in our hospital, and the control group included 70 cases without preoperative autologous blood donation, the baseline data before surgery were not significantly different. The transfusion quantities of allogeneic RBC and plasma, the levels of perioperative hemoglobin and platelets, the time and expense of hospitalization were compared between two groups.
Results: The levels of Hb and Plt in PABD group before and after blood collection were determined as follows: 138.26±14.73 g/L vs 127.52±13.36 g/L (P<0.05) and (221.67±52.86)×109/L vs (198.35±52.65)×109/L (P>0.05) respectively. The analysis of allo-RBC and allo-plasma transfusion in PABD group and control group showed that: the quantity of allogeneic RBC transfusion was 0.20±0.71 U and 0.89±0.97 U, and the quantity of allogeneic plasma transfusion was 30.43±100.81 ml and 106.52±152.61 ml (P<0.05) respectirdy during perioperation. The comparison results of preoperative Hb and plt in PABD group and control group were 135.65±14.16 g/L vs 134.15±11.98 g/L and (270.36±58.28)×109/L vs (271.67±65.02) ×109/L respectively. The levels of postoperative Hb and plt in PABD group and control group were 120.24±14.40 g/L vs 121.20±14.30 g/L at 1 d after operation, and (241.80±63.58)×109/L vs (241.30±69.11)×109/L at 1 d after operation respectively; 123.15±13.80 g/L vs 121.65±14.33 g/L at 3 d after operation and (251.26±72.94)×109/L vs (255.54±73.85)×109/L at 3 d after operation; 122.78±13.92 g/L and 122.00±13.82 g/L (before discharge) and (262.50±80.96)×109/L and (264.56±71.08)×109/L (before discharge, platelet). These data were not statistically different (P>0.05). The hospitalization time was 14.84±3.37 days and 14.84±2.24 days, respectively, without statistical difference (P>0.05) in two groups. The expenses of hospitalization and the blood transfusion in two groups were 50627.27±9889.45 RMB and 50979.43±8195.00 RMB; 354.39±362.57 RMB and 684.02±425.53 RMB (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The application of PABD reduces the use of allogeneic blood and costs for patients undergoing selective surgery with blood losts of 1000 ml.
题目: 贮存式自体血输注在普外科择期手术中的临床应用研究.
目的: 研究贮存式自体血输注(preoperative autologous blood donation,PABD)在普外科择期手术中的临床应用效果.
方法: 筛选 2017 年11月-2018 年8月本院普外科贮存式自体血输注70例,采用配对研究方法,将未采用贮存式自体血输注且术前基线资料无统计学差异的70例患者,配对作为对照组。比较2 组患者异体红细胞和血浆输注量,围术期Hb和Plt变化,住院时间及住院费用的差异.
结果: PABD组采血前、后Hb和Plt分别为138.26±14.73 vs 127.52±13.36 g/L(P<0.05)和(221.67±52.86 vs 198.35±52.65)×109/L(P>0.05);2 组患者围术期异体红细胞和血浆的输注量分别为0.20±0.71 vs 0.89±0.97 U和30.43±100.81 vs 106.52±152.61 ml (P<0.05); 2组患者术前Hb水平 135.65±14.16 vs 134.15±11.98 g/L,术前Plt水平 (270.36±58.28 vs 271.67± 65.02)×109/L;术后1 d Hb水平 120.24±14.40 vs 121.20±14.30 g/L,术后1 d Plt水平(241.80±63.58 vs 241.30± 69.11)×109/L;术后3 d Hb 水平123.15±13.80 vs 121.65±14.33 g/L,术后3 d Plt 水平(251.26±72.94 vs 255.54± 73.85)×109/L;出院前Hb水平 122.78±13.92 vs 122.00±13.82 g/L,出院前Plt (262.50±80.96 vs 264.56±71.08) ×109/L (P>0.05);2 组患者的住院时间14.84±3.37 vs 14.84±2.24(d)(P>0.05),住院总费用和输血相关费用分别为50 627.27±9 889.45 vs 50 979.43±8 195.00元 和354.39±362.57 vs 684.02±425.53元 (P<0.05).
结论: 择期手术估计术中失血量1 000 ml的患者,贮存式自体血输注的应用可节约异体血输注,降低费用.