The interaction between pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and pathogen- associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) induces type I interferon (IFN) responses. IFNs stimulates hundreds of genes to exert its biological effects. OASs are the members of IFN-stimulate genes (ISGs). Among them, OAS1 activates RNase L to cleave RNA viruses genome, OAS2 activates downstream immune signaling pathways of IFNs, OAS3 induces RNase L to cut the genome of RNA virus and activate IFN I response to enhance the immune effect, and OASL inhibits the survival of RNA viruses by activating RIG-I signaling pathway but promotes the reproduction of DNA viruses by inhibiting the cGAS signaling pathway. However, the role of OASs in mycobacterial infection remains incomprehensible. In this review, we summarized the latest literature regarding the roles of OASs in mycobacterial infection.