The recent development of neuroimaging technology and network theory allows us to visualize and characterize the whole-brain functional connectivity in vivo. The importance of conventional structural image atlas widely used in population-based neuroimaging studies has been well verified. Similarly, a "common" brain connectivity map (also called connectome atlas) across individuals can open a new pathway to interpreting disorder-related brain cognition and behaviors. However, the main obstacle of applying the classic image atlas construction approaches to the connectome data is that a regular data structure (such as a grid) in such methods breaks down the intrinsic geometry of the network connectivity derived from the irregular data domain (in the setting of a graph). To tackle this hurdle, we first embed the brain network into a set of graph signals in the Euclidean space via the diffusion mapping technique. Furthermore, we cast the problem of connectome atlas construction into a novel learning-based graph inference model. It can be constructed by iterating the following processes: (1) align all individual brain networks to a common space spanned by the graph spectrum bases of the latent common network, and (2) learn graph Laplacian of the common network that is in consensus with all aligned brain networks. We have evaluated our novel method for connectome atlas construction in comparison with non-learning-based counterparts. Based on experiments using network connectivity data from populations with neurodegenerative and neuropediatric disorders, our approach has demonstrated statistically meaningful improvement over existing methods.
Keywords: Brain network; atlas construction; graph learning.