1 GENUD (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development) research group, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
2 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, Brighton, UK.
3 European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA), Lausanne, Switzerland.
4 International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), Lausanne, Switzerland.
5 Division of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ulm University Hospital, Ulm, Germany.
6 Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy and Center for Health and Performance, Gothenburg University and Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Ostra, Gothenburg, Sweden.
7 Department of Sports Medicine, Humboldt University and Charité University School of Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
8 Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath, UK.
9 Sport Medical Center, Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, Tokyo, Japan.
10 UCT Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Cape Town, South Africa.
11 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation.
12 Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russian Federation.
13 Italian Federation of Sports Medicine (FMSI), Rome, Italy.
14 Unit International Law, Department of Constitutional, International and European Law, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
15 Institute of Sports Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
16 Austrian Institute of Sports Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
17 Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport Sciences, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK.
18 Unit of Endocrinology, Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome "Foro Italico", Rome, Italy.
19 Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), Aigle, Switzerland.
20 British Association Sport and Exercise Medicine, Doncaster, UK.
21 Defense Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC), Loughborough, UK.
22 School of Sport and Service Management, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK.
23 World Olympians Association, Lausanne, Switzerland.
24 University of Rome "Foro Italico", Rome, Italy.
25 Villa Stuart Sport Clinic, FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, Rome, Italy.
26 European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA), Lausanne, Switzerland. y.pitsiladis@brighton.ac.uk.
27 International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), Lausanne, Switzerland. y.pitsiladis@brighton.ac.uk.
28 Collaborating Centre of Sports Medicine, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK. y.pitsiladis@brighton.ac.uk.