Enzootic calcinosis (EC), is a chronic disease, caused by toxic plants, which has mainly affected ruminants for more than 100 years. It is characterized by a soft tissue calcification, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypoparathiroidism, hypercalcitoninism, osteonecrosis, and osteopetrosis. The toxic compound reported in some of these plants are 1,25(OH)2D3 glycosides. Characterization of calcinogenic principles were performed with Solanum glaucophyllum, Trisetum flavescens, Cestrum diurnum, and Stenotaphrum secundatum. Other plant species involved in EC are: Nierembergia rivularis, Nierembergia veitchii, Solanum torvum, and Solanum stuckertii. Clinical and pathological findings are well characterized. We present different aspects of the pathogenic mechanism of EC, including genetic modulation, expression of bone proteins, cellular de-differentiation of arterial smooth muscle cells, phenotypic changes, production of a calcifiable matrix, and modulation of the calcium and phosphorus balance. The use of comparative pathology can bring significant advances in the understanding of the pathogenic mechanism. In this review we present a broad approach to the different aspects of intoxication: history of EC on different continents; plant species, distribution and morphology; toxic principle; pathogenesis; epidemiology; clinical signs; diagnosis; and control and prophylaxis.
Keywords: Calcinogenic plants; Enzootic calcinosis; Pathogenesis; Vitamin D.
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