Purpose: We evaluated laser flare photometry (LFP) values in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated uveitis.
Methods: Retrospective study. A decrease of the LFP value between baseline visit and 1 month after anti-inflammatory treatment intensification allowed us to define two groups of patients: group 1 (decreased LFP value ≥50%) and group 2 (<50%). We evaluated the prevalence of vision-threatening complications in both groups.
Results: Fifty-four patients (87 eyes) were followed for 9.9 ± 5 years. Group 1 eyes (n = 54) had significantly fewer ocular complications than group 2 eyes (n = 33) at both 5 years visit (p = .03) and final visit (p = .047). At the final visit, group 2 eyes had significantly more band keratopathy, trabeculectomy, cataract surgery, glaucoma and papille edema. Group 1 eyes kept a better visual acuity (p < .0001).
Conclusion: The decrease of LFP values ≥50% of the initial value 1 month after treatment intensification is a good early prognostic factor.
Keywords: Uveitis; juvenile idiopathic arthritis; laser flare photometry.