Objective: To evaluate the association betweew family history of diabetes and incident diabetes of adults. Methods: A total of 49 266 participants in the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) study from Wuzhong district of Suzhou city were included in the analysis, after the exclusion of those with heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes at baseline survey. The person-year of follow-up was calculated from the date on completion of baseline survey to the date on any firstly-occurred event, i.e., diabetes incidence, death, loss of follow-up, or December 31, 2013. Cox regression model was used to estimate the hazards ratios of the association between family history of diabetes and incident diabetes. Results: During 348 677 person-years of the follow-up (median 7.08 years), a total of 423 men and 791 women were diagnosed as having diabetes. Compared to those without diabetic family history, participants with family history of diabetes showed a higher risk of diabetes, with a HR (95%CI) of 1.90 (1.57-2.29), and the risk increased with the number of relatives suffering from diabetes (Pfor trend<0.05). The family history of maternal type, sibling type, and sibling and parental type had a statistically significant association with the risk of diabetes. The adjusted HR (95%CI) was 2.03 (1.45-2.77), 2.07 (1.56-2.68) and 2.39 (1.14-4.34), respectively. Modification effects of tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking, body mass index and physical activity on the association between diabetic family history and risk of diabetes were not observed in the study (Pfor interaction >0.05). Conclusions: Diabetic family history is associated with the increased incident diabetes, and the risk increased with the number of relatives suffering from diabetes.
目的: 分析糖尿病家族史与成人糖尿病发病的关联。 方法: 使用中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)苏州市吴中区数据,剔除基线时患冠心病、脑卒中、恶性肿瘤、糖尿病的个体,共49 266名研究对象纳入分析。随访人年数的计算从研究对象完成基线调查时开始,至最早出现以下任一事件的时间终止:糖尿病发病、死亡、失访或2013年12月31日。采用Cox比例风险模型计算糖尿病家族史与糖尿病发病风险比(HR)。 结果: 研究对象累计随访348 677人年(平均随访7.08年)。随访期间,男性423例和女性791例被新诊断为糖尿病。与无家族史者相比,有家族史者发生糖尿病的风险增加,HR(95%CI)值为1.90(1.57~2.29),并且个体具有糖尿病病史的亲属数量越多,发生糖尿病的风险越高(P趋势<0.05)。母亲型、同胞型和同胞双亲型家族史与糖尿病发病风险关联均有统计学意义,HR(95%CI)值分别为2.03(1.45~2.77)、2.07(1.56~2.68)和2.39(1.14~4.34)。未发现吸烟、饮酒、体重指数和体力活动对糖尿病家族史与糖尿病之间的关联存在效应修饰作用(P交互>0.05)。 结论: 糖尿病家族史可增加糖尿病的发病风险,且发病风险随着家属中有糖尿病史者的增加而升高。.
Keywords: Diabetes; Family history; Prospective study.