During morphogenesis, tumor progression and metastasis, cell adhesion, dissociation, and migration result from a complex balance between cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions. Two different organization patterns of MCF-7 cells were induced by different extracellular matrix proteins. When plated on plastic or polymeric type I collagen gel used as a model of interstitial matrix, MCF-7 cells spread and grew in monolayer. When cultured on a solid gel of basement membrane (BM) proteins (85% laminin) used as a model of BM, cells formed clusters attached to the matrix. Matrix proteins regulated these two types of cell organization by preferentially promoting cell-to-cell or cell-support interactions. On plastic in the presence of soluble laminin or on laminin-coated dishes, cells also formed clusters. Addition of soluble fibronectin induced spreading of the cells, suggesting that laminin and fibronectin have competitive antagonistic effects on MCF-7 cell morphology. Antilaminin antibodies inhibited cluster formation and attachment, emphasizing the important role of this glycoprotein not only in promoting cluster attachment but also in cell-to-cell contact formation. Such effects of extracellular matrix proteins could play significant roles in tumor progression and metastasis.