The PYGL gene is the only established gene known to cause glycogen storage disease type VI (GSD6), which is a rare autosomal recessive disorder associated with hepatomegaly, elevated levels of hepatic transaminases, and hypoglycemia. Extended bioinformatics analysis was performed on the exome sequencing data of 5 patients who were clinically diagnosed as having or highly suspected of having GSD, and a single heterozygous pathogenic or likely pathogenic or rare variant of uncertain significance single-nucleotide variant was identified on the PYGL gene. A recurrent, novel, 3.6-kb deletion involving exons 14 to 17 of PYGL was identified in three of the five patients. Together with the two novel and one established stop-gain SNVs, they were diagnosed as compounds heterozygous of PYGL variants and confirmed as GSD6. The detected 3.6-kb deletion was further screened in a Chinese cohort of 31,317 individuals without hepatic abnormalities, and 10 carriers were identified, showing an allele frequency of 0.016%. Compared with the previously established 47 PYGL pathogenic or likely pathogenic SNVs, the novel pathogenic deletion had the second highest allele frequency among the population. This recurrent, novel, 3.6-kb deletion improved the molecular diagnostic rate of the GSD6. The relatively high frequency of the variant suggests that it is a potential mutation hotspot in patients with GSD6.
Copyright © 2020 Association for Molecular Pathology and American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.