Ten years since the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia in neonates with perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in Spain

Neurologia (Engl Ed). 2020 Sep 25:S0213-4853(20)30227-9. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2020.05.017. Online ahead of print.
[Article in English, Spanish]


Introduction: More than a decade has passed since therapeutic hypothermia (TH) was introduced in Spain; this is the only neuroprotective intervention that has become standard practice in the treatment of perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). This article aims to provide a current picture of the technique and to address the controversies surrounding its use.

Development: In the last 10 years, TH has been successfully implemented in the vast majority of tertiary hospitals in Spain, and more than 85% of newborns with moderate or severe HIE currently receive the treatment. The factors that can improve the efficacy of TH include early treatment onset (first 6hours of life) and the control of comorbid factors associated with perinatal asphyxia. In patients with moderate HIE, treatment onset after 6hours seems to have some neuroprotective efficacy. TH duration longer than 72hours or deeper hypothermia do not offer greater neuroprotective efficacy, but instead increase the risk of adverse effects. Unclarified aspects are the sedation of patients during TH, the application of the treatment in infants with mild HIE, and its application in other scenarios. Prognostic information and time frame are one of the most challenging aspects.

Conclusions: TH is universal in countries with sufficient economic resources, although certain unresolved controversies remain. While the treatment is widespread in Spain, there is a need for cooling devices for the transfer of these patients and their centralisation.

Keywords: Asfixia perinatal; Cuidado neurocrítico; Encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica; Encefalopatía neonatal; Hipotermia terapéutica; Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy; Neonatal encephalopathy; Neonate; Neonato; Neurocritical care; Neuroprotección; Neuroprotection; Perinatal asphyxia; Therapeutic hypothermia.

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  • Review