Case description: A 9-month-old miniature Hereford heifer was evaluated for a mass on the right inferior eyelid that had progressed in size over 3 months.
Clinical findings: Physical examination revealed a firm, ulcerated, pedunculated mass on the right inferior eyelid that extended from the medial quarter to beyond the lateral canthus of the eye. The base of the mass measured 7.4 × 6.7 cm, and the dorsal margin of the base of the mass was approximately 3 mm ventral to the inferior eyelid margin. Histologic evaluation of incisional biopsy specimens from the mass was consistent with fibrosarcoma.
Treatment and outcome: The mass was surgically resected with care taken to preserve the eyelid margin. The resulting 10 × 8.5-cm surgical wound was treated with adjunct CO2 laser therapy and closed by primary closure at its medial and central aspects and placement of a 4.6 × 2.6-cm lyophilized equine amnion multilayer graft and 2 sheets of 4-ply porcine small intestinal submucosa at its lateral aspect. The grafts were kept moist by alternating topical antimicrobial and artificial tear ointments for 3 weeks. The wound healed without complications, resulting in a functional and aesthetically pleasing outcome despite the development of moderate ectropion at the lateral aspect of the inferior eyelid.
Clinical relevance: Results suggested that a combination of extracellular matrix scaffolds may be an alternative to extensive skin flaps for management of large dermal wounds, particularly wounds resulting from blepharoplasty where preservation of an eyelid margin is desired.