Objective: Assess the change in sleep and vigilance of underground miners during long periods of extended shifts.
Methods: Seventy miners worked 14 consecutive 12-hour day and/or night shifts. Also, they wore an actigraph and completed a visual analog scale for vigilance four times per shift. Linear regression models with mixed effects were used.
Results: Sleep efficiency was higher during day shifts than during night shifts (86,5 vs 85.5, P < 0.05) but sleep duration did not differ (6:34 vs 6:44, n.s.). Mean vigilance level at Time 3 (02h00) was significantly lower than that at Time 1 (19h00) during the first 10 night shifts whereas mean vigilance level at Time 4 (05h30) remained significantly lower for the 14 night shifts.
Conclusions: Underground miners exhibit good sleep quality despite evidence of limited circadian adaptation in terms of nighttime vigilance.