The aim of the study was to investigate whether visual stimuli have the same potency to increase electroencephalography (EEG) delta wave power density during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep as do auditory stimuli that may be practical in the treatment of some sleep disturbances. Nine healthy subjects underwent two polysomnography sessions-adaptation and experimental-with EEG electrodes positioned at Fz-Cz. Individually adjusted auditory (pink noise) and visual (light-emitting diode (LED) red light) paired 50-ms signals were automatically presented via headphones/eye mask during NREM sleep, shortly (0.75-0.90 s) after the EEG wave descended below a preset amplitude threshold (closed-loop in-phase stimulation). The alternately repeated 30-s epochs with stimuli of a given modality (light, sound, or light and sound simultaneously) were preceded and followed by 30-s epochs without stimulation. The number of artifact-free 1.5-min cycles taken in the analysis was such that the cycles with stimuli of different modalities were matched by number of stimuli presented. Acoustic stimuli caused an increase (p < 0.01) of EEG power density in the frequency band 0.5-3.0 Hz (slow waves); the values reverted to baseline at post-stimuli epochs. Light stimuli did not influence EEG slow wave power density (p > 0.01) and did not add to the acoustic stimuli effects. Thus, dim red light presented in a closed-loop in-phase fashion did not influence EEG power density during nocturnal sleep.
Keywords: NREM sleep; acoustic stimulation; delta wave power density; healthy subjects; visual stimulation.
© 2020 by the authors.