Meaningful patient input to understand disease experience and patient expectations for improvement with treatment is essential for the selection and development of outcome measures for alopecia areata (AA) clinical trials. This study explored the physical signs and symptoms of AA through 30 semistructured interviews with adult (n = 25) and adolescent (n = 5) patients experienced with severe or very severe AA. Scalp hair loss was overwhelmingly the most important sign and symptom of AA. Nearly all patients (90%) considered scalp hair loss in their top three most bothersome physical signs and symptoms of AA, with 77% (n = 23) naming scalp hair loss as the most bothersome symptom. Other identified signs and symptoms in the top three most bothersome included eyebrow, eyelash, nose, body, and facial hair loss, as well as eye irritation and nail damage and/or appearance. Eyebrow (16%, n = 4), eyelash (4%, n = 1), nasal (4%, n = 1), and body (4%, n = 1) hair loss were identified by seven adult patients as the most bothersome signs and symptoms of AA. Conceptual saturation confirmed that a comprehensive understanding of this patient population's physical AA-related signs and symptoms was obtained. These findings indicate that the primary objective for new AA treatments for this patient population should be meaningful improvement in scalp hair growth to address the most troubling unmet need.
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