Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant developmental disorder. Although it is relatively common, and its phenotypical variability is well documented, its pathophysiology is not fully understood. Previously, with the aim of revealing the pathogenesis of genetic disorders, we reported the induction of cleidocranial dysplasia-specific human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from patient's dental pulp cells (DPCs) under serum-free, feeder-free, and integration-free conditions. Notably, these cells showed potential for application to genetic disorder disease models. Furthermore, using similar procedures, we reported the induction of hiPSCs derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy volunteers. These methods are beneficial, because they are carried out without invasive and painful biopsies. Using those procedures, we reprogrammed DPCs and PBMCs that were derived from a patient with Noonan syndrome (NS) to establish NS-specific hiPSCs (NS-DPC-hiPSCs and NS-PBMC-hiPSCs, respectively). The induction efficiency of NS-hiPSCs was higher than that of WT-hiPSCs. We hypothesize that this was caused by high NANOG expression. Here, we describe the experimental results and findings related to NS-hiPSCs. This is the first report on the establishment of NS-hiPSCs and their disease modeling.
Keywords: Disease modeling; Disease-specific human-induced pluripotent stem cells; Feeder-free; Integration-free; Noonan syndrome; Serum-free.