Acrosome reaction is an exocytic process that enables a sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida and fertilize an egg. The process involves the fenestration and vesiculation of the sperm plasma membrane and outer acrosomal membrane, releasing the acrosomal content. Given the importance of the acrosome secretion in fertilization, many different methods have been developed to detect the acrosome reaction of sperm. In this chapter, we describe detailed practical procedures to assess the acrosomal status of human spermatozoa. To do this, we resorted to light optical and epifluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and transmission electron microscopy. We also itemize the protocol for real-time measurements of the acrosome reaction by confocal microscopy. Further, we discuss the level of complexity, costs, and the reasons why a researcher should choose each technique.This chapter is designed to provide the user with sufficient background to measure acrosomal exocytosis in human sperm.
Keywords: Acrosome exocytosis; Acrosome reaction; Human sperm; Recording sperm secretion.