HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance (TDR) is associated with transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM), non MSM clusters, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and can lead to antiretroviral failure. UK guidelines recommend performing TDR testing in all newly-diagnosed people living with HIV. We audited performance of TDR in our large tertiary HIV department from 2014-2020. All new patients had TDR testing attempted in the study period. The rate of TDR was 8% and was associated with increasing age and having non-B subtype. Having non-B subtype was not associated with being non-UK born. Thirty-four percent of people were diagnosed with a bacterial STI at the time of HIV diagnosis, but STI diagnosis was not associated with TDR. There was no significant change in TDR over the 6-year audit period. TDR remains a small but significant problem. Identifying these populations and providing effective HIV prevention interventions will reduce HIV incidence and TDR.
Keywords: Human immunodeficiency virus; antiviral; homosexual; treatment.