Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of Healthy Fitness Measurement Scale V1.0 (HFMS V1.0) for assessing healthy fitness status of college students in Guangzhou.
Methods: A total of 584 college students were evaluated with HFMS V1.0. The reliability and validity of HFMS V1.0 scale were assessed for its discrimination degree, Cronbach α coefficient, split-half reliability, test-retest reliability, content validity, structural validity, calibration validity and responsiveness.
Results: The Cronbach α of HFMS V1.0 scale was 0.893, the split-half coefficient was 0.909, and the test-retest coefficient was 0.923. The correlation coefficients of each dimension with its subscales ranged from 0.687 to 0.931. The correlation coefficient between each item and its dimension ranged from 0.558 to 0.863(P < 0.05). Exploratory factor analysis showed that the variance interpretation of 8 factors was 55.105%, and the factor structure was basically identical with the theoretical concept of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis showed excellent goodness-of-fit indices of the model (χ2/DF= 1.952; RMSEA=0.400; GFI=0.906; TLI=0.905; IFI=0.914; and CFI=0.913; P < 0.05). The correlation coefficients between the 4 general items and their corresponding scales ranged from 0.585 to 0.670. The proportions of the highest and lowest scores of the scale were very low, suggesting a high responsiveness of the scale.
Conclusions: HFMS V1.0 has high reliability and validity for evaluating healthy fitness status of college students.
目的: 评价健康适能评定量表(Healthy Fitness Measurement Scale V1.0,简称HFMS V1.0)应用于广州市大学生健康适能状况的信效度。
方法: 用HFMS V1.0量表对584名大学生进行现场测试,通过条目区分度、Cronbach'α系数、折半信度、重测信度、内容效度、结构效度、校标效度及反应度等指标考评HFMS V1.0量表的信效度。
结果: HFMS V1.0总量表的Cronbach'α系数为0.893,Guttman系数为0.909,重测系数为0.923。各维度与其子量表间相关系数为0.687~0.931,各条目与其维度相关系数为0.558~0.863(P < 0.05)。探索性因子共抽取8个因子,方差解释度为55.105%,因子结构与量表理论设想基本一致。验证性因子分析显示,修正后拟合统计量为:χ2/DF=1.952、RMSEA=0.400、GFI=0.906、TLI=0.905、IFI=0.914、CFI=0.913(P < 0.05),模型拟合良好。4个总体评价条目与其对应量表的相关性为0.585~0.670。量表最高分与最低分所占比例均很低,反应度较好。
结论: HFMS V1.0应用于评价大学生健康适能水平状况具有较好的信效度,可以为大学生健康适能水平状况的评价提供一个可靠、准确、有效的测量工具。
Keywords: Healthy Fitness Measurement Scale V1.0; college students; healthy fitness; reliability; validity.