Many individuals with opioid use disorder come into contact with the justice system each year, making the nexus between the criminal justice system and the health care system a critical juncture for responding to the opioid crisis and simultaneously promoting public health and public safety. Collaborations across these sectors are essential to providing effective screening, treatment, and discharge planning; connecting individuals to services following release; promoting long-term recovery while reducing recidivism; and ultimately bringing the opioid crisis under control. In 2019, with the support of the NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative, the National Institute on Drug Abuse launched the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN). JCOIN is a >$150M multisite cooperative designed to facilitate transdisciplinary collaborations that can create actionable, translatable insights for the justice system and community-based organizations to address the opioid epidemic in justice-involved populations. JCOIN brings together 11 Research Hubs, a coordination and translation center (CTC), and a methodology and advanced analytics resource center (MAARC), with the goal of generating evidence that is greater than the sum of the parts. Collectively, the network will field at least 12 large-scale multisite clinical trials, which are described in this special issue. This article provides a brief overview of the scientific underpinnings for these trials; describes the broad themes connecting them; and discusses the intersections of the JCOIN initiative with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Addiction treatment; Clinical trials; Implementation science; Justice system; Opioid use disorder.
Published by Elsevier Inc.