Cardiac remodeling involves cellular and structural changes that occur as consequence of multifactorial events to maintain the homeostasis. The progression of pathological cardiac remodeling involves a transition from adaptive to maladaptive changes that eventually leads to impairment of ventricular function and heart failure. In this scenario, proteins are key elements that orchestrate molecular events as increased expression of fetal genes, neurohormonal and second messengers' activation, contractile dysfunction, rearrangement of the extracellular matrix and alterations in heart geometry. Mass spectrometry based-proteomics has emerged as a sound method to study protein dysregulation and identification of cardiac diseases biomarkers in plasma. In this review, we summarize the main findings related to large-scale proteome modulation of cardiac cells and extracellular matrix occurred during pathological cardiac remodeling. We describe the recent proteomic progresses in the selection of protein targets and introduce the renin-angiotensin system as an interesting target for the treatment of pathological cardiac remodeling.
Keywords: Cardiac hypertrophy; Cardiac remodeling, extracellular matrix; Cardiovascular diseases; Heart failure; Mass spectrometry, proteome; Myocardial infarction.
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