Background: Pediatric liver transplantation generally restores metabolic function; yet after transplantation, some children remain malnourished, have increased adiposity, and develop obesity. Measurement of body composition in the assessment of nutrition status could reduce adverse consequences in children.
Methods: Anthropometric measurements, multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, air displacement plethysmography, and ultrasound measurements were conducted on children recruited from the liver transplant program at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital. A cross-sectional study was conducted to describe the quality of weight gain in post-liver transplant children between the ages of 2 and 17 years using multiple assessment tools (air displacement plethysmography, multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, and ultrasound) and to determine whether multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis and ultrasound accurately describe body composition and quality of weight gain.
Results: Mean percent body fat by air displacement plethysmography and multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis was 18.4% (±3.3) and 19.0% (±3.9), respectively (P > .99). There were insufficient data to examine the relationship between summed muscle and adipose thickness measures by ultrasound and percent body fat determined by air displacement plethysmography or multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis.
Conclusion: Percent body fat, fat mass, and fat-free mass measures determined by air displacement plethysmography and multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis were not statistically different, which suggests the stand-on device used in this study could be a useful body composition assessment tool for the pediatric population.
Keywords: body composition; liver transplant; nutrition assessment; pediatrics.
© 2021 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.