The follow-up of several cases of pruritus during pregnancy in 15 months in our department, gives us the opportunity to discuss pregnancy related jaundice. In comparing the frequency figures in the literature, our rate of cholostasis during pregnancy is abnormally high (1/270th). This picture is characterized by a gradually increasing pruritus. Jaundice may be absent, usually moderate. The laboratory tests are dominated by the cholostasis; the cytology is non-existent or moderate, which differentiates it from viral and toxic jaundice. The maternal prognosis is good and usually return to normal occurs 8 to 15 days after delivery. The fetal prognosis is unpredictable and reserved. We noticed: frequent fetal distress, with the possibility of fetal death; the treatment is only symptomatic and includes: the association pregnancy-cholostasis makes this pregnancy a risk pregnancy--when fetal maturity is acquired, the choice between high approach and low approach depends on the circumstances-contraception.