Background: The American Thyroid Association (ATA), the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the European Thyroid Association, and the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging have established an intersocietal working group to address the current controversies and evolving concepts in thyroid cancer management and therapy. The working group annually identifies topics that may significantly impact clinical practice and publishes expert opinion articles reflecting intersocietal collaboration, consensus, and suggestions for further research to address these important management issues. Summary: In 2019, the intersocietal working group identified the following topics for review and interdisciplinary discussion: (i) perioperative risk stratification, (ii) the role of diagnostic radioactive iodine (RAI) imaging in initial staging, and (iii) indicators of response to RAI therapy. Conclusions: The intersocietal working group agreed that (i) initial patient management decisions should be guided by perioperative risk stratification that should include the eighth edition American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system to predict disease specific mortality, the modified 2009 ATA risk stratification system to estimate structural disease recurrence, with judicious incorporation of molecular theranostics to further refine management recommendations; (ii) diagnostic RAI scanning in ATA intermediate risk patients should be utilized selectively rather than being considered mandatory or not necessary for all patients in this category; and (iii) a consistent semiquantitative reporting system should be used for response evaluations after RAI therapy until a reproducible and clinically practical quantitative system is validated.
Keywords: differentiated thyroid cancer; indicators of response to radioactive iodine therapy; perioperative risk stratification; role of diagnostic radioactive iodine imaging in initial staging.