High radiation doses to the body may lead to the stochastic/deterministic effects of ionizing radiation on the critical organs as well as causing the cataract in eye lens of the clinical staff in interventional radiology. In this study, the received doses of the eyes, skin and whole body of 38 clinical staff including physicians, residents, nurses and radiotechnologists in cardiac angiography departments in three selected hospitals were assessed using personal dosemeters during two bimonthly dosimetry periods. Moreover, the correlation coefficients among the measured dose components including eye lens dose, skin dose and whole body dose equivalent in both area of under and over their lead-apron were calculated for all these occupational groups. The results show that the occupational annual dose values of the clinical staff are below the annual dose limits recommended by International Commission on Radiation Protection. Furthermore, among the measured dose components, the highest correlation coefficient value was obtained between the eye lens dose and personal dose equivalent measured over the lead apron for all the occupational groups.
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