The advent of computed tomography and development of three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions has allowed for profound advances in the understanding of complex acetabular fractures. The authors sought to determine the impact of 3-D reconstructions on understanding of the morphology of these injuries. A survey of 20 fellowship-trained orthopaedic trauma surgeons was undertaken to assess the utility of these reconstructions on understanding three complex posterior acetabulum fractures. Respondents noted significantly better understanding of posterior wall and transverse-posterior wall fracture patterns compared to a posterior column-posterior wall pattern when utilizing two-dimensional imaging only. The respondent#x02019;s understanding of all three patterns was improved with the addition of 3-D reconstructions. With regards to individual images, posterior iliac oblique reconstructions obtained at 36-degree and 54-degree from posterior were reported to be most helpful in improving understanding of fracture morphology. Three-dimensional reconstructions of posterior acetabular fractures are effective in enhancing understanding of fracture morphology. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 30(1):050-054, 2021).