Goals: No established methods exist to predict who will require a higher number of endoscopic necrosectomy sessions for walled-off necrosis (WON). We aim to identify radiologic predictors for requiring a greater number of necrosectomy sessions. This may help to identify patients who benefit from aggressive endoscopic management.
Materials and methods: This is a multicenter retrospective study of patients with WON at 3 tertiary care centers. WON characteristics on preintervention computed tomography imaging were evaluated to determine if they were predictive of requiring more endoscopic necrosectomy.
Results: A total of 104 patients were included. Seventy patients (67.3%) underwent endoscopic necrosectomy, with median of 2 necrosectomies. WON largest transverse diameters (P=0.02), largest coronal diameters (P=0.01), necrosis pattern [likelihood ratio (LR)=17.85, P<0.001], spread (LR=11.02, P=0.01), hemorrhage (LR=8.64, P=0.003), and presence of disconnected pancreatic duct (LR=6.80, P=0.01) were associated with undergoing ≥2 necrosectomies. Patients with septations/loculations were significantly less likely to undergo ≥2 necrosectomies (LR=4.86, P=0.03).
Conclusions: Several computed tomography radiologic features were significantly associated with undergoing ≥2 necrosectomies. These could help identify patients who will undergo a higher number of endoscopic necrosectomy sessions.
Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.