Fes/Cip4 homology Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (F-BAR) domains, like all BAR domains, are dimeric units that oligomerize and bind membranes. F-BAR domains are generally coupled to additional domains that function in protein binding or have enzymatic activity. Because of their crescent shape and ability to oligomerize, F-BAR domains have been traditionally viewed as membrane-deformation modules. However, multiple independent studies have provided no evidence that certain F-BAR domains are able to tubulate membrane. Instead, a growing body of literature featuring structural, biochemical, biophysical, and microscopy-based studies supports the idea that the F-BAR domain family can be unified only by their ability to form oligomeric assemblies on membranes to provide platforms for molecular assembly.
Keywords: BAR domain; F-BAR domain; actin cytoskeleton; electron microscopy (EM); membrane linkers; membrane-bound platforms; oligomeric assemblies; super-resolution microscopy.
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