Oscillatory shear-induced bcc-fcc martensitic transformation in a colloidal suspension with long-range repulsive interactions

J Chem Phys. 2021 Apr 28;154(16):164903. doi: 10.1063/5.0045537.


We perform non-equilibrium Brownian dynamics simulations to investigate the out-of-equilibrium phase behavior of a suspension of charged colloids under external oscillatory shear. We independently vary the frequency f and the maximum strain amplitude γmax of the oscillations and map out an out-of-equilibrium phase diagram in the f-γmax plane. Similar to what has been observed in earlier studies on colloidal hard spheres, we find the formation of a twinned face-centered-cubic phase in a specific range of γmax, which displays a martensitic transition to a body-centered-cubic crystal within half of the oscillation cycle. We provide a comprehensive analysis of these structures and show how the system transforms from one to the other. We also report evidence of a sliding layer phase and a string phase.