3 Maxillofacial Unit, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Ethelbert Rd, Canterbury CT1 3NG, UK. Electronic address: david.tighe@nhs.net.
4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, East Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital, Haslingden Road, Blackburn BB2 3HH, UK. Electronic address: geoffchiu.baoms@gmail.com.
5 Saving Faces - The Facial Surgery Research Foundation, 71 Tonbridge Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1H 9DZ, UK. Electronic address: fran.ridout@savingfaces.co.uk.
6 Saving Faces - The Facial Surgery Research Foundation, 71 Tonbridge Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1H 9DZ, UK. Electronic address: hutch.london@googlemail.com.
7 NCEPOD, Ground Floor, Abbey House, 74-76 St John Street, London, EC1M 4DZ, UK. Electronic address: mmason@ncepod.org.uk.
8 Regional Maxillofacial Unit, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, G51 4TF, Glasgow, UK. Electronic address: jeremymcmahon@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.