Aminoglycoside (gentamicin, tobramycin) dosage regimens and subsequent serum concentrations were compared in 30 patients treated initially using traditional physician-determined methods and then switched to a pharmacokinetic-based treatment program. Patients received more drug during the kinetic phase (median 5 mg/kg) than during the traditional phase (median 3.6 mg/kg) and achieved greater peak serum concentration (5.9 vs. 4.4 micrograms/ml). Seventy-three percent of kinetic peak values but only 27% of traditional peak values exceeded 5.0 micrograms/ml. Trough concentrations were comparable in both phases of study and no nephrotoxicity was observed. This pharmacokinetic-based management program achieved more consistently greater therapeutic peak concentrations and provided more individualized therapy than did physicians. The use of pharmacokinetic consultants may be of benefit in administering safely optimal aminoglycoside therapy.