Databases of protein information derived from the analysis of two-dimensional gels have been established from transformed human amnion cells (AMA) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). A total of 1781 [35S]methionine-labeled AMA proteins (1274 IEF, 537 NEPHGE) and a total of 1311 proteins from PBMC (948 IEF, 363 NEPHGE) were resolved and recorded using computerized (PDQ-SCAN and PDQUEST softwares) two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. AMA and PBMC proteins (total, 454: 301 IEF, 153 NEPHGE) were matched both manually and by the computer. Information entered in the AMA database (in most cases for some major proteins) includes: molecular weight, protein name, HeLa protein catalogue number, mouse protein catalogue number, nuclear proteins, phosphorylated proteins, distribution of proteins in Triton X-100 supernatants and cytoskeletons, proliferation- and transformation-sensitive proteins, cell cycle-specific proteins, mitochondrial proteins, proteins matched in normal human embryonal lung MRC-5 fibroblasts and PBMC cells, heat shock proteins, proteins affected by interferons, cytoskeletal proteins, and the presence of antibody against protein in human sera. Additional information has been entered for the cell cycle-regulated and DNA replication protein cyclin (PCNA). Information entered in the PBMC database includes molecular weight and potential markers for sorted populations of lymphocyte subtypes. For those proteins that have been matched to AMA proteins, information contained in some entries may be transferred from the AMA database.