Scope: Food allergy to sunflower seed (SFS) protein is not frequent and only non-specific lipid transfert protein (nsLTP) Hel a 3 is officially recognized as a food allergen. Out of the eleven seed storage 2S-albumins (SESA) detected in SFS, only SFA-8 allergenicity has been investigated so far. The study aimed then to evaluate SFS protein allergenicity and particularly, to compare the sensitization potency of SESA in a mouse model.
Methods and results: The most abundant SESA and nsLTP were isolated from SFS through a combination of chromatographic methods. Purified proteins were then used to measure specific IgG1 and IgE responses in BALB/c mice orally sensitized to different SFS protein isolates. The study, thus, confirmed the allergenicity of SFA-8 and Hel a 3 but mice were also highly sensitized to other SESA such as SESA2-1 or SESA20-2. Furthermore, competitive inhibition of IgE-binding revealed that SFA-8 IgE-reactivity was due to cross-reactivity with other SESA. 11S-globulins were weakly immunogenic and were rapidly degraded in an in vitro model of gastroduodenal digestion. In contrast, Hel a 3, SESA2-1 and SFA-8 were more resistant to proteolysis and gastroduodenal digestion did not affect their IgE-reactivity.
Conclusions: SESA2-1 or SESA20-2 were more potent allergens than SFA-8 in this mouse model. Allergenicity of SESA must be now confirmed in SFS-allergic patients.
Keywords: 2S-albumin; IgE; allergen; cross-reactivity; nsLTP; seed; sunflower.
© 2021 The Authors. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.