Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are highly effective means of birth control that can improve service women's overall health and readiness. This report expands upon prior data and summarizes the annual prevalence (overall and by demographics) of LARC use from 2016 through 2020 among active component U.S. service women, compares LARC prevalence to the prevalence of short-acting reversible contraceptives (SARCs), and evaluates the probability of continued use of LARCs by type. LARC use increased from 21.9% to 23.9% from 2016 through 2019 while SARC use decreased from 28.3% to 24.9%. Both SARC and LARC use decreased in 2020 which may have been related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The prevalence of intrauterine devices (IUDs) was greater than implants, and IUDs also had a higher probability of continuation than implants. At 12 months, the continuation for IUDs was 81% compared to 73% for implants. At 24 months, the probabilities of continuation were 70% for IUDs and 54% for implants. Probabilities of continuation were similar across outsourced care and direct care settings. The increased use of LARCs along with their high frequency of continuation in U.S. service women may have a positive impact on overall health and readiness.