Hydathodes are plant organs present on leaf margins of a wide range of vascular plants and are the sites of guttation. Both anatomy and physiology of hydathodes are poorly documented. We have recently reported on the anatomy of cauliflower and Arabidopsis thaliana hydathodes and on their infection by the vascular pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) ( Cerutti et al., 2017 ). Because hydathodes are natural infection routes for several pathogens, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of their anatomy to further better interpret images of infected hydathodes. Here, we described different detailed protocols for gaining information on hydathode anatomy which are applicable to a wide range of plants (including monocots like barley and rice). Nomarsky and confocal microscopy were used to observe clarified thick samples. Optical microscopy in transmitted light and transmission electron microscopy were used to observed thin and ultrathin sections.
Keywords: Cauliflower; Hydathode; Xanthomonas.
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