We propose inference procedures for general factorial designs with time-to-event endpoints. Similar to additive Aalen models, null hypotheses are formulated in terms of cumulative hazards. Deviations are measured in terms of quadratic forms in Nelson-Aalen-type integrals. Different from existing approaches, this allows to work without restrictive model assumptions as proportional hazards. In particular, crossing survival or hazard curves can be detected without a significant loss of power. For a distribution-free application of the method, a permutation strategy is suggested. The resulting procedures' asymptotic validity is proven and small sample performances are analyzed in extensive simulations. The analysis of a data set on asthma illustrates the applicability.
Keywords: additive Aalen model; factorial designs; local alternatives; oncology; right censoring.
© 2021 The Authors. Biometrics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Biometric Society.