Many cities across the world face the challenge of severe fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Among the many factors that affect PM2.5 pollution, there is an increasing interest in the impacts of urban structure. However, quantifying these impacts in China has been difficult due to differences of study area and scale in existing research, as well as limited sample sizes. Here, we conducted a continental study focusing on 301 prefectural cities in mainland China to investigate the effects of urban structure, including urban size and urban compactness, on PM2.5 concentrations. Based on PM2.5 raster and land cover data, we used quantile regression and a general multilinear model to estimate the effects and relative contributions of urban size and urban compactness on urban PM2.5 pollution, with explicit consideration for pollution level, urban size and geographical location. We found: (1) nationwide, the larger and more compact that cities were, the heavier the PM2.5 pollution tended to be. Additionally, this relationship became stronger with increasing levels of pollution. (2) In general, urban size played a more important role than urban form, and there were no significant interactive effects between the two metrics on urban PM2.5 concentrations at the national scale. (3) The impacts of urban size and form varied by city size and geographical location. The impacts of urban size were only significant for small or medium-large cities but not for large cities. Among large cities, only urban form had a significantly positive effect on urban PM2.5 concentrations. The further north and west that cities were, the more dependent PM2.5 pollution was on urban form, whereas the further south and east that cities were, the greater the impact of urban size. These results provide insights into how urban design and planning can be used to alleviate air pollution.
Keywords: General multilinear model; PM(2.5); Quantile regression; Urban form; Urban size.
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