[The experimental evidence of waveform information in arterial blood gas by beat-by-beat sampling method in human body-the differences of waveform information between arterial and venous blood samples]

Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2021 Jan;37(1):34-39. doi: 10.12047/j.cjap.0077.2021.102.
[Article in Chinese]


Objective: The arterial blood with the oscillatory information comes from the right heart system after gas exchanging in the lung. However, the evidence of the waveform of venous ABG is lack. The objectives of this article are to compare the different information between arterial and venous beat-by-beat blood sample at the same time. Methods: Six post-operative patients with normal heart function and negative Allen test, had been placed the arterial catheterization and central venous catheterization directly connected to pre-heparin plasticpipes for continuous collecting arterial and venous blood. We twisted the 2 pipes into helix formation. After drawing arterial and venous blood with syringes in one heart beat with one helix at the same time, totally 15 heart beats, clipping the pipes with forceps, we put the helix pipe into icedwater at once and analyses PaO2, PaCO2, pH and SaO2 as soon as possible. We selected two breathscycles of waveform from each patient for data calculations of magnitudes and time interval. Results: The heart beat numbers for drawing blood into pipe were 15~16, and all covered more than 2 breathing cycles. There were significant changes of arterial PaO2(i.e. the highest high values compare to the next lowestvalues, P<0.05), but no significant changes in venous blood(P>0.05). The magnitudes of changing PaO2 in arterial and venous blood sample were (9.96±5.18)mmHg and (1.63±0.41)mmHg with significant variance(P=0.010), and they were (8.09±2.43)% and (3.91±1.22)%from their mean with significant variance(P=0.009) respectively. Conclusion: With continuous beat-by-beat arterial and venous blood sampling and ABG analyzing method at the same time, we obtain a clear evidence of periodic parameters ABG waveform, which following breathing cycle, but no clear ABG waveform of the periodic parameters in the venous blood samples, which implies the oscillatory information of the arterial blood with comes from the gas exchanging in the lung.

目的: 人动脉血来源是右心系统并在肺脏进行气体交换的静脉血,右心系统的静脉血是否存在波浪式信号目前尚没有证据支持,本研究旨在对比同时间动、静脉血中信号的连续变化特点。方法: 选择心功能正常,需要连续监测动脉血流动力学变化的患者6 例,4男2女,年龄(59.00±16.64) 岁,体质量(71.67±10.37)kg,左心射血分数(LVEF)(61.33±2.16)%。患者签署知情同意书后,选择心功能正常需要监测动、静脉血流动力学变化的患者6 例,连续同时桡动脉、颈内静脉逐搏取血,测定PaO2。选取2个典型呼吸周期,用于分析同时段动、静脉血气的波浪式变化。分别比较患者血氧分压最高和最低值,以验证同时段动、静脉血气是否都存在周期性波浪式信号变化。此外,将患者动脉、静脉血气周期性波浪式信号的变化幅度进行统计学t 检验分析,比较有无差异。结果: 共6例患者,抽取动、静脉血液充满肝素化细长塑化管需要15~16次心跳,即取血需要15~16次心跳,全部覆盖超过2个呼吸周期。所有患者动脉血气中PaO2均呈现明显的波浪式变化(P<0.05),幅度是(9.96±5.18)mmHg,是均值的(8.09±2.43)%。患者静脉血气中PaO2波动幅度并不明显,为(1.63±0.41)mmHg,是均值的(3.91±1.22)%,与动脉血气组相比有明显统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论: 采用同时连续逐搏动、静脉取血血气分析法证实,患者自主呼吸时动脉血气有明显的周期性波浪式变化信号,而静脉血气几乎没有周期性波浪式变化信号(很弱),说明动脉血气波浪式信号主要是由于肺通气过程中吸气和呼气期产生肺泡中氧分压规律性上升和下降,通过离开肺毛细血管与肺泡氧气压力平衡的动脉化血液,经过左心室搏血进入动脉血管系统所致。.

Keywords: arterial blood gas; beat-by-beatsampling; breathing control; venous blood gas; waveform information.

MeSH terms

  • Arteries*
  • Blood Gas Analysis
  • Human Body*
  • Humans
  • Respiration
  • Veins