A disulfide bond is an important protein post-translational modification and plays a key role in regulating protein oxidation status, protein structure, and stability. Analysis of a disulfide bond using mass spectrometry is challenging because there lacks an efficient method to separate the disulfide-linked peptides from a complex protein digest, and the MS data requires sophisticated interpretation. Here, we developed a novel disulfide bond identification strategy, termed as "carboxypeptidase Y assisted disulfide-bond identification (CADI)". CADI is able to significantly reduce sample complexity by depleting ∼90% of the linear peptides while keeping the disulfide-bonded peptides. Furthermore, all CADI data can be directly analyzed by widely used protein database search engines, such as Mascot and MaxQuant. Our data show that CADI is able to sensitively identify disulfide bonds in peptides and proteins. However, CADI has not yet achieved a satisfied in-depth coverage on complex mammalian cell lysates due to the limited enzymatic activity of carboxypeptidase Y and low occurrences of disulfide bonds in a proteome. Altogether, CADI is a useful method that can get disulfide-linked peptides enriched and analyzed with regular search engines. CADI holds great potentials to deepen the analysis of disulfide bond and other types of cross-linked peptides on the proteome scale.