Molecular tests have become an indispensable tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of hematological malignancies and are subject to accreditation according to the International Standard ISO 15189. National standardization of these techniques is essential to ensure that patients throughout France benefit from the same care. We report here on the experience of the GBMHM (Groupe des Biologistes Moléculaires des Hémopathies Malignes). By organizing External Evaluation of Quality (EEQ) programs and training meetings, the GBMHM has contributed to improvement and standardization of molecular tests in 64 French laboratories. A retrospective analysis of the quality-control results of 11 national campaigns spanning 10 years was performed for the 3 most frequently prescribed tests: BCR-ABL1, JAK2 V617F, and lymphoid clonality. For each test, particular attention was placed on comparing methodologies and their evolution throughout the period. The establishment of the BCR-ABL1, JAK2 V617F, and lymphoid clonality EEQ programs and the associated training meetings have initiated a process of collective standardization concerning the methods of implementation (JAK2 V617F) and the interpretation and formulation of results (lymphoid clonality). In addition, it resulted in objective improvement in technical performance (BCR-ABL1). Our evaluation of the impact of these EEQ programs demonstrates that it is possible to obtain reproducible values across different laboratories in France by applying national recommendations. To our knowledge, this is the first publication that evaluates the impact of a national quality assurance program on improving molecular results in hematology.
Copyright © 2021 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the European Hematology Association.