Approximately 3 million United States military personnel and contractors were deployed to Southwest Asia and Afghanistan over the past two decades. After returning to the United States, many developed persistent respiratory symptoms, including those due to asthma, rhinosinusitis, bronchiolitis, and others, which we collectively refer to as deployment-related lung diseases (DRLD). The mechanisms of different DRLD have not been well defined. Limited studies from us and others suggest that multiple factors and biological signaling pathways contribute to the onset of DRLD. These include, but are not limited to, exposures to high levels of particulate matter (PM) from sandstorms, burn pit combustion products, improvised explosive devices, and diesel exhaust particles. Once inhaled, these hazardous substances can activate lung immune and structural cells to initiate numerous cell-signaling pathways such as oxidative stress, Toll-like receptors, and cytokine-driven cell injury (e.g., interleukin-33). These biological events may lead to a pro-inflammatory response and airway hyperresponsiveness. Additionally, exposures to PM and other environmental hazards may predispose military personnel and contractors to more severe disease due to the interactions of those hazardous materials with subsequent exposures to allergens and cigarette smoke. Understanding how airborne exposures during deployment contribute to DRLD may identify effective targets to alleviate respiratory diseases and improve quality of life in veterans and active duty military personnel.