Since the application of hyperspectral technology to agriculture, many scientists have been conducting studies to apply the technology in crop diagnosis. However, due to the properties of optical devices, the reflectances obtained according to the image acquisition conditions are different. Nevertheless, there is no optimized method for minimizing such technical errors in applying hyperspectral imaging. Therefore, this study was conducted to find the appropriate image acquisition conditions that reflect the growth status of wheat grown under different nitrogen fertilization regimes. The experiment plots were comprised of six plots with various N application levels of 145.6 kg N ha-1 (N1), 109.2 kg N ha-1 (N2), 91.0 kg N ha-1 (N3), 72.8 kg N ha-1 (N4), 54.6 kg N ha-1 (N5), and 36.4 kg N ha-1 (N6). Hyperspectral image acquisitions were performed at different shooting angles of 105° and 125° from the surface, and spike, flag leaf, and the second uppermost leaf were divided into five parts from apex to base when analyzing the images. The growth analysis conducted at heading showed that the N6 was 85.6% in the plant height, 44.1% in LAI, and 64.9% in SPAD as compared to N1. The nitrogen content in the leaf decreased by 55.2% compared to N1 and the quantity was 44.9% in N6 compared to N1. Based on the vegetation indices obtained from hyperspectral reflectances at the heading stage, the spike was not suitable for analysis. In the case of the flag leaf and the 2nd uppermost leaf, the vegetation indices from spectral data taken at 105 degrees were more appropriate for acquiring imaging data by clearly dividing the effects of fertilization level. The results of the regional variation in a leaf showed that the region of interest (ROI), which is close to the apex of the flag leaf and the base of the second uppermost leaf, has a high coefficient of determination between the fertilization levels and the vegetation indices, which effectively reflected the status of wheat.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum; hyperspectral imaging; nitrogen gradient; vegetation index.